Many amateur golfers want to do more in the takeaway, but additional motion is only going to cause trouble. The idea is to turn your shoulders away from the target while your hands remain quiet and your lower body is stable.

There shouldn’t be much at all happening in your takeaway, and if there is, something has gone wrong. Simply put, you want your takeaway to be as boring as possible. So what makes a good takeaway? Quiet hands. A bad takeaway will set you off on the wrong foot for your swing – and you may never recover. The way you start your swing has a lot to do with how successful the swing will be in the end. The following is a quick review of each of these key fundamentals to help you better understand proper golf swing mechanics. Golf swing mechanics can be broken down into five general sections: When you think about it that way, it’s no wonder the game is so hard! Golf Swing Mechanics This is one of the main challenges of learning to play golf – you must blend a combination of unique movements into one composed process that you can repeat time and time again.
Within that motion, however, is a series of techniques that each must be executed properly in order to strike a good shot. When performed correctly, your golf swing should look like one smooth, continuous motion that culminates with you holding a nicely balanced finished as the ball sails through the air.